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What is an EORI number?

Written by Kerry Raymond | Dec 10, 2018 3:10:31 PM

What is an EORI number?

What is an EORI Number and Why Do Businesses Need One?

EORI stands for an Economic Operator Registration and Identification Number, and this number is a unique code which is required to register and track information about Customs within the EU. This code can be obtained by an individual or a business and is required by all importers and exporters who are based within the EU. Additionally, if your company is based outside the EU but trades within Europe, it is worth checking if you also need one.

EORI Registration and Why Every Business Should Have This Number

For any business that is looking at growing and trading across the globe, or that has a supplier base globally, EORI registration is vital. Any company, organisation or person who imports and exports goods overseas must register for an EORI number.

Applying for an EORI number

Applying for an EORI number is a straightforward process, but it is important to establish at the outset what forms and paperwork you will need to complete as these can vary depending on your circumstances or how your business is set up. Once you have filled in and completed the correct form, it is submitted electronically, and you should receive your EORI number via email within three working days. If you have something to ship in or out of the EU you will need to provide details of that shipment on the form, and it cannot be completed in advance, as you will run the risk of your application being rejected.

An EORI number is made up of a code to represent the country where the individual or organisation is registered followed by a unique number or code. It is often worth checking to see if you or your company isn’t already registered for one, as if you have already registered for VAT, for example, you may have been issued with an EORI number as part of that process.

Once you have been issued with your number you will need to give this to any courier or freight companies who you appoint to import or export goods for you.It is worth noting that if you don’t have an EORI number you will not be allowed to import and export goods. Currently, an EORI number is required in order for individuals and companies to trade outside of the EU.

Brexit and EORI Registration

With Brexit fast approaching on 29 March 2019, it is unclear how this will affect the EORI registration process. If a hard Brexit occurs, it is likely that full customs declarations will be required for all goods entering or leaving the UK, regardless of the destination and origin. To be prepared for this eventuality Crossflight recommends that all companies who are not familiar with importing or exporting outside of the EU should check whether they already have an EORI number and apply for one now if they don’t have one.

For more information and how to apply for an EORI number visit